Terms And Conditions

Notification about processing of given personal information

When you sign up for one of our services (e.g. Mobilparkering, Parkering.bl.dk, europark.dk) or send an inquiry, you agree that we store and process the information you provide. Your information is used to process your inquiry or provide the service you have requested. Your information is processed in full confidentiality and in accordance with the applicable rules for processing personal data. Permission is also given to contact the notified e-mail so that we can confirm and update your registered information. The information is not processed for purposes other than what they are given for. Once registered you can always get insight in which information we have about you, and have your information corrected or deleted. This according to the rules.


“I have read the data protection policy and agree with the terms and conditions.”


TERMS & CONDITIONS - Billund Airport

1.) Agreement

2.) Ordering

3.) Payment

4.) Price

5.) Right of cancellation

6.) Amending/changing booking

7.) Complaints

8.) Non-fulfilment

9.) Responsibilities

10.) Force majeure

11.) Applicable law and venue

12.) Other regulations



1.1. Ordering parking at http://parkering.bll.dk will result in an agreement between the customer and APCOA PARKING Denmark A / S, Lanciavej 1A, DK-7100 Vejle, CVR. no: 19055108

1.2. When a booking is confirmed APCOA Airport Parking in Billund Airport will provide parking available to the customer at the desired time and in the desired parking area. The parking space in the parking area will be unspecified.

1.3. APCOA Airport Parking can be contacted at: APCOA Airport Parking, Passenger Terminal 9, DK-7190 Billund. Phone: +45 75 35 40 33 Email: lufthavnsparkering@apcoa.dk, Website: www.bll.dk.



2.1. The customer can make a booking for parking online at APCOA Airport Parking's booking page, http://parkering.bll.dk. There can only be ordered parking for one car at a time.

2.2. When booking, the customer must choose between parking areas, price and length of stay.

2.3. When booking, the correct first name, surname, email, telephone number, postcode and number plate must be entered.

2.4. The booking of parking must be made no later than 6 hours before the parking begins.

2.5. If the reservation is started earlier than booked, the exit time will be shortened accordingly.

2.6. After completing booking and payment the booking is confirmed by a printable receipt sent to the customer’s email. The time of delivery, i.e., the time when the parking space is made available to the client, appears from the receipt. Customer is only entitled to the reserved parking space, in the agreed booking period. The receipt must be brought on the journey. The customer is encouraged to either print or to save the e-mail receipt and bring it on the journey.

2.7. Ordering is binding and when the customer has received a confirmation a definitive agreement between the parties has been reached.



3.1. A parking fee is paid for parking in Billund Airport. The amount depends on the parking area used and the number of days.

3.2. Paying by credit card requires entering the card number, expiration date, security code and cardholder's name.

3.3. The customer must pay for parking in the full booking period whether exercised or not unless the customer is entitled to cancel the booking.

3.4. The use of the parking space starts from the time the customer is entering the parking area, (but always no later than the agreed booking entry date and time, chosen by the customer when making the booking) and until the customer exits the parking area. If you start your reservation earlier than ordered, the departure time will be shortened accordingly.

3.5. In the event that the car is picked up before the parking period is expired, the customer is not refundable for the period that has not been used, unless the customer is entitled to cancel.

3.6. If a customer is leaving the parking area after the parking is terminated - for whatever reason - the customer pays for the extra time, and this must take place before the parking area vacated.

3.7. Payment methods: Credit cards can be used (Visa and Mastercard).



4.1. The price is quoted in Danish kroner (DKK) incl. VAT.

4.2. APCOA Airport Parking takes subject to pricing errors, price changes and update errors.

4.3. The price is valid on the day of the order.


5. RIGHT OF CANCELLATION (applies only to consumers not business user)

5.1. According to Consumer Contract Law the customer has the right to cancel this order/agreement (online booking) without reason within 14 days. The cancellation period will expire 14 days after the day the agreement was concluded.

The deadline of 14 days is calculated from the day the customer made the order and received the parking permit. If the deadline expires on a Saturday, Sunday, public holidays, Constitution Day, December 24 or December 31, the deadline expires the following weekday. Cancellation of the purchase must be received by APCOA PARKING Denmark before the deadline, and this is the responsibility of the customer.

5.2. In order to use the right of cancellation, the customer must go to https://parkering.bll.dk/en/ and manage my booking.

5.3. If the contract is cancelled, we reimbursed to the same card that was used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly stated otherwise. In any case, no fees are imposed as a result of the exercise of the right of cancelation.

5.4. To cancel the booking later than 24 hours before- not later than the entry time it must be done by phone or email.



In addition to the possibility to cancel the order, the customer also has the option to amend/change the booking. The customer can amend/change the entry date / time, exit date / time, product, and the chosen parking area up to 24 hours before the arrival time. The customer will be refunded / charged the difference due to a customer change in the booking.



7.1. All complaints should be directed to APCOA Airport Parking, Passenger Terminal 9, DK-7190 Billund. Phone: +45 75 35 40 33 or Email: lufthavnsparkering@apcoa.dk,

7.2. Complaints about shortage in the service shall be made immediately after the customer has discovered or should have discovered the shortage.



8.1. The parking space in the desired parking area is unspecified and there is no shortage if the customer is provided another parking area in an equivalent or more expensive price category.

8.2. If APCOA Airport Parking cannot assign the customer to another parking area the customer is entitled to claim non-fulfilment of order and can require the amount paid returned. Any liability of APCOA Airport Parking for shortage does not cover indirect loss of any kind, see. Section 9.2 and section 10.

8.3. APCOA Airport Parking reserves the right to impose a fee of kr. 590, - (DKK) if the customer do not comply with rules on signs in the parking area where car is parked and if the car is a nuisance to others, including, among others, but not limited to, other cars parked, car rental, etc.



9.1.The following responsibility provisions do not apply if otherwise provided by mandatory provisions of Danish law.

9.2.APCOA Airport Parking accepts no responsibility for accidents, theft, damage to persons, vehicles, equipment, and effects in the car. APCOA Airport Parking is also not responsible for incidental and consequential damages.

9.3. LufthavnsParkering assumes no responsibility for charges for parking as a result of incorrectly entered information when ordering, including number plate.



10.1. If delivery of the service is delayed or prevented as a result of unforeseen circumstances which APCOA Airport Parking have no control of, including but not limited to war, mobilization, acts of terrorism (including threats of such), fire, strikes, boycotts, blockades and lockouts (including among staff in Billund Airport), closure of the airport or the airports baggage handling and / or natural disasters will the delivery time be postponed in the corresponding calendar days.

10.2. APCOA Airport Parking cannot be held responsible in cases of force majeure.



11.1.Any dispute arising in connection with these terms and conditions shall be governed by Danish law.

11.2.If disputes cannot be resolved amicably, any dispute is brought before the court in Kolding. Cases between APCOA Airport Parking and costumers may be brought before the relevant venue.



12.1. APCOA Airport Parking can at any time revise the above terms and conditions for parking in Billund Airport by updating this page.